FuVEP acquires new chassis dyno and emissions equipment


We are pleased to announce that FuVEP is now equipped with a state-of-the-art chassis dyno and regulation compliant emissions measurement system.

Our team just completed the installation and commissioning of an AVL ROADSIM 48" MIM dyno, capable for testing passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. The dyno can be used for testing over regulated driving cycles, non-regulated cycles, custom tests and simulated regulation compliant RDE tests or non-compliant dynamic RDE profiles.

The system includes a complete CVS system by AVL, able for full emissions measurement according to the Euro6/VI regulations or any other global emissions standard procedure. Raw and diluted measurements of regulated species are available, as well as measurement of non-regulated species like NH3, N2O with a modern FTIR unit, the AVL Sesam i60 FT SII.